Tuesday, March 7, 2017

Basic Elements of HTML

Body- defines the content of an element
 Footer- contains information about the author of the section, copyright data or links to related documents.
 Header- labels the active view
 Sidebar- lists the rules and provides a link to the line

Monday, January 9, 2017

My Christmas & New Year Vacation

In the past years, did you experience to make people happy especially your family in all your doings? Did your past years became memorable to you and to your loved ones? Is there any people being inspired to your good attitude as people? How was your 2016 life?
Christmas Day is an annual festival commemorating the birth of Jesus, we also called the time of giving, a time of forgiving and a time to forget all the past bad memories. It is our tradition to celebrate the special day and the birth of our Savior. Jesus wants us to celebrate His special day without no doubts to our fellow men, families, friends and even to Him.

My Christmas day celebration is very memorable to me. Before that day, all our neighborhood is so very busy preparing their houses for the Christmas celebration. Others are cleaning their home, making some desserts and even cooking some delicious food. We feel so very excited on the Christmas day. On that day, early in the morning I woke and greeted all the people I saw a, "MERRY CHRISTMAS". After I took my breakfast, I go to church for the Sunday service. In the afternoon, we prepare ourselves for our church Christmas party and at the same time, we celebrated the Founding Anniversary of our church. I spend my Christmas day with my family, and all our church mates. So many gifts I receive from my friends, aunties, uncles, and also from my ninong and ninang. I thank God for the successful event and celebration that we end it without any problems.  All I ask and wish to God that He will be always with me and my family and also He will never leave or forsake me.

My New Year's Day celebration is very unforgettable for me. A celebration together with my family, cousins, aunts, uncles, and even my grandfather and grandmother as they stay in our house. Enjoying and celebrating the first day of the year 2017. We knew that as we celebrate the new year's day is a blessing, and one of our blessing is the birth of the new member of our family.

I thank God for giving me another year to live, to laugh, to cry and to enjoy the life He gave. As the year 2017 starts, i ask the guidance of the Lord in all my doings and works.

Goodbye 2016. Hello and be good to me 2017 :) God bless!

Thursday, September 15, 2016

Welcome Post "Importance of Adventure"

 Image result for adventures

 Hi and welcome everyone :) I am Doreen Real Milgar introducing to you my blog.

Adventures bring our life a new and inspiring memory that always remind that our journey just has began. For the old, who makes their journey far just enjoy life and live a better. Let us not forget that in experiencing an adventures can help you to forget all the things you don't want to remember. Life is an adventure, live it while you can. An outing with friends, families, relatives and love ones will help you to be happy and makes your relationship stay strong. "Little moments make life a very big adventure". This activity brings laughter and more about overcoming challenges, accomplishing dreams and goal. In adventuring, it is like our life that we can experience different circumstances and trials but in the end it feels so great. Experiencing an adventure is different than committing drugs and liquor, it makes us a good teenagers who doesn't mind the destruction of drugs in ourselves. Many people experience how beautiful in adventuring different places just like me, going to other places and make life beautiful to forgot problems in life because for me it is one of my solution. "More adventure, more you"